
RN space is the real coordinate space of dimension n.

Autosalvation in RN space

"rn spaces_auto salvation (from duccio’s christ in limbo)”, digital rendering, 2019 "rn spaces_auto salvation (from duccio’s christ in limbo)”, digital rendering, 2019

Giotto Text
"extruded void (from duccio’s christ in limbo)”, rn spaces_autosalvation series, digital rendering, 2018 extrudedvoid
"untitled: tiamatum series", 2021 tiamatum series
“rn spaces_autosalvation”, installation, 2018 rn_spaces
“diagram_rn”, rn spaces_autosalvation series, paper, grip grit tape, marker, foam core board, polymer clay, 16” x 21”, 2018 diagram_rn
"“extruded voids”, rn spaces_autosalvation series, digital renderings of installation, 2018 extruded voids
“manus et. aer planum”, rn spaces_autosalvation series, tabloid, 2019 manus et. aer planum

If to model an object is to define a void, then what is depicted is a shadow.

-'Giotto and the "Things Not Seen, Hidden in the Shadow of Natural Ones" by Mary Pardo.'

“World is not your Oyster”, installation / graphic, 2018 WINYO
rn spaces_autosalvation series, installation (composite board arch, wood tombstone), 2018 rn spaces
Wouter J. Hanegraaff, Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed), pg 86-87 esotericism
Wouter J. Hanegraaff, Western Esotericism: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed), pg 86-87 esotericism

We believe the rendered is absolute knowledge.

If you are looking at an image

you are reconstructing a space from the body-experience of an other. The image has forced out the body (the subject) and its knowing subjectivity.

Whose knowledge is it?

'We can say "body of knowledge"'

1.Written language (not spoken) obscures the speaker because it is a voice that survived the finite organism to become ominiscient, disembodied, and enduring.

Whose subjectivity?

2. Knowledge cannot have a body but we can grant it a symbolic one.

In spoken language, phonemes are also abstract and meaningless, but they do not exist in 2D space. There is a distinction between image and graphic. Scaleable graphic/2D/drawing requires no external data. Rendered image/picture is an analog representation requiring external data.

What is unrendered is unaccessed knowledge. What is unrenderable is unavailable knowledge.